How to Find Brother Printer Default Password

Brother printers are popular for their reliability and ease of use. However, when setting up or troubleshooting your Brother printer, you might need to access its settings. This often requires entering the Brother Default password or Default Brother Printer Password. These default passwords are essential for accessing the printer’s configuration, and it’s important to know them when you need to change your printer’s settings. This blog will discuss the Brother Default password, the Default Brother Printer Password, and how to change the Brother printer password for enhanced security.

Brother Printer Default Password

The Brother Default password and the Brother Printer default password are usually the same for most models. In general, the Default Brother Printer Password is either “initpass” or “access” (without quotes). These passwords grant access to the printer’s web-based management system and enable users to modify various settings, such as network configurations or security options.

Here is a brief overview of the process for using the Brother Default password or the Default Brother Printer Password to access your printer’s settings:

  • Connect your Brother printer to your network or computer.
  • Find the printer’s IP address by printing a network configuration page.
  • Enter the IP address in your web browser’s address bar.
  • When prompted, enter the Default Brother Printer Password, typically “initpass” or “access.”

Once you’ve gained access to the printer’s settings using the Brother Default password, changing the Default Brother Password to a unique, secure option is crucial. This will help prevent unauthorized access and keep your printer’s settings safe. To change the Default Brother Password, follow these steps:

Access the printer’s web-based management system using the Brother printer default password.

  • Navigate to the “Administrator” or “Password” settings.
  • Enter the current Default Brother Admin Password in the “Old Password” field.
  • Create a new, secure Default Brother Admin Password and enter it in the “New Password” field.
  • Confirm the new Brother Admin Password by entering it again in the “Confirm Password” field.
  • Save the changes and exit the settings page.

Remember to keep the new Brother Admin Password in a safe place, as you’ll need it to access the printer’s settings in the future. By using the Brother default password and the Brother printer default password effectively, you can easily manage your printer’s settings and ensure its security.

To find the Brother Printer default password, follow the steps outlined below.

  • Identify your Printer Model: First, you need to identify the specific model of your Brother Printer. You can find this information on the back or bottom of the printer or in the user manual.
  • Check for Default Password Information: Refer to the user manual or the manufacturer’s website for any information on the Brother Printer Default Admin Password, Brother MFC Default Password, or Default Brother MFC password for your printer model.
  • Try the Most Common Default Passwords: If you cannot find specific information on the default password for your printer, try using the most common Brother Printer default passwords:
    • Brother Printer Default Admin Password: “admin” or “Admin” or “access” (without quotes)
    • Brother MFC Default Password: “initpass” or “Initpass” (without quotes)
    • Default Brother MFC password: “1234” or “0000” (without quotes)

Brother Printer Default Passwords:

Brother is a well-known brand, manufacturing a wide range of printers for personal and business use. Like other electronic devices, printers also have default settings, including default passwords. Below, we’ll provide a list of commonly used default passwords for Brother printers, explain why these passwords are used by default, and highlight the vulnerability of leaving default passwords in place.

List of Commonly Used Default Passwords for Brother Printers:

    • Username: admin / Password: access
    • Username: user / Password: user
    • Username: admin / Password: 1234
    • Username: admin / Password: password
    • Username: (blank) / password: initpass

The manufacturer sets these Brother Printer Default Admin Passwords to enable users to access and configure their devices upon initial setup easily. It allows for quick and seamless installation, especially for users needing to be more technologically adept.

However, the convenience of using Default Brother Passwords also poses a significant security risk. Users who do not change the default passwords leave their printers vulnerable to unauthorized access. Cybercriminals can exploit these vulnerabilities to gain device control, steal sensitive information, or launch malicious attacks.

By not changing the Brother Printer Default Admin Password, users risk the following:

  • Unauthorized Access: With a default password, anyone who knows it can easily access the printer settings, potentially leading to unauthorized changes or device misuse.
  • Data Theft: If a printer is connected to a network, an attacker can potentially access sensitive information or documents printed on the device.
  • Malware and Ransomware Attacks: Cybercriminals can exploit the vulnerability of a printer with a default password to launch malware or ransomware attacks on the connected network.
  • Compromised Network Security: A printer with a Default Brother Admin Password can be an entry point for an attacker to infiltrate the network, allowing them to access other devices and steal valuable information.

To mitigate these risks, users must change the Default Brother Printer Password immediately after setting up their device. Additionally, users should choose a robust, inimitable password and frequently update it to ensure the security of their Brother printer and the connected network. While Brother Admin Default Passwords provide convenience during the initial setup, they can pose significant security risks if you keep them the same.

How to Change Brother Printer Default Password:

Brother Printer Default Admin PasswordChanging your Brother Printer’s default password is essential to enhance the security of your device and protect it from unauthorized access. This step-by-step guide will show you how to change your Brother Printer Default Admin Password, improving your printer’s security.

  • Connect Brother Printer to Network: Ensure your Brother Printer is connected to your computer or local network. This can be done through a wired (Ethernet) or wireless connection.
  • Access the Brother Printer’s Web Interface: Open a web browser and enter the printer’s IP address into the address bar. You can find the IP address by printing a network configuration report from your printer. Consult your printer’s user manual for instructions on how to print this report.
  • Log in to the Web Interface: Enter the current username and Brother MFC Default Password when prompted. You can find the default login credentials in your printer’s user manual or from the list provided earlier in this article.
  • Navigate to the Password Settings: Once logged in, locate the settings or administration section in the web interface. This may be labeled as “Settings,” “Admin,” or “Network.” Look for an option related to password settings or user management.
  • Change the Brother Printer Default Admin Password: Select the option to change or edit the password. Enter the current default password and then enter a new, strong password. Make sure to choose a unique and complex password that includes a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters.
  • Save the Changes: Click “Save” or “Apply” to confirm the new password. Your Brother Printer’s default password has now been updated.
  • Examine the New Password: Log out of the web interface and attempt to log back in using the new password to ensure it has been updated correctly.

Changing the Brother MFC Default Password significantly improves your printer’s security. This ensures unauthorized users cannot easily access your printer’s settings or exploit it maliciously. Changing the Default Brother Admin Password prevents data theft, malware attacks, and network infiltration, providing a safer environment for your printer and connected devices.

How to Reset Brother Admin Default Password:

If the default passwords don’t work, you may need to reset the printer’s factory settings. This will reset the Brother Admin Default Password, Brother MFC Default Password, and Default Brother MFC password to their original values. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Turn off your Brother Printer: Press and hold the “Menu” or “Settings” button (depending on your printer model) while turning the printer back on.
  • Hold the button until you see “Maintenance Mode” or “Factory Reset” on the display.
  • Use the arrow keys to navigate to the “Factory Reset” option and press the “OK” or “Enter” button.
  • Wait for the printer to reset; the Brother Admin Default Password will reset once it restarts.


Securing your Brother Admin Default Password and avoiding default passwords is of utmost importance for ensuring the safety and security of your devices and networks. Strong, unique passwords minimize the risk of unauthorized access, data theft, and cyberattacks.

When you apply the best practices for password management and maintaining a robust Brother Admin Password, you protect your printer and contribute to the overall security of your connected network. Please pay attention to the importance of securing your printer, as it can serve as an entry point for attackers aiming to infiltrate your network and steal valuable data.

We expect the presented article will be a self-help guide for Brother Printer user. But in case you want detailed information on Brother Printer setup, Brother Printer driver update, and troubleshooting Brother Printer errors, then you must visit our Brother Printer Support article. You will get all the required information in the Brother Printer article.

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